September 10, 2012

.maggie turns 7th.

Sunday night we celebrated Maggie's birthday, the old lady turned 7 years (or 6.. the vets weren't sure of her age).  It was a big affair that lasted about 10 exciting minutes for Maggie! For her big day I made Maggie a dinner consisting of grilled chicken breast and then doggie birthday cupcakes. I used this recipe, Peanut Butter Delight, and it was a smash hit! For "frosting" I used cottage cheese and then created a 7 with a carrot.

I made cupcakes over a cake for 2 reasons: One, new foods can be hard on the dogs tum tum so I wanted to make sure Maggie didn't get sick, and two...I didn't want to waste any of the cake so now we have treats for later the week!  Which is good because she loved her cupcake and I know she is going to go crazy when she gets another one again!

It was sooo cute seeing Maggie in her little birthday princess hat having a great time eating her supper and then her cupcake. Whenever she is happy both Dave and I's hearts are full. We cannot get enough of her cuteness and love! We both feel very lucky to have her and for her letting us spoiling her (and for making her wear silly hats/outfits). 

.the birthday family portrait.

How do you celebrate your pet's birthday?

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